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Claims Handling Service

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Claims Handling Service

When an incident occurs or first knowledge of a potential claim is brought to your attention, it is imperative that full details are relayed to the relevant Insurers as early as possible.

If you are in any doubt as to whether the circumstances of an incident or accident should be reported, it is best practice to err on the side of caution and report.

Policies of Insurance usually contain a notification condition, often requesting immediate notice.  Failure to comply with this condition may lead to the insurer refusing to deal with the claim, regardless of whether any prejudice has taken place as a consequence.

All policies contain conditions dealing with notification of claims.  It is important to note that the manner and speed of response can play a crucial factor in protecting/mitigating financial impact.

Whilst we maintain a degree of autonomy in the claims process we are governed by the terms and conditions of the Insurance policy and any decisions regarding responsibility and liability are made by the Insurer.  Consequently no concessions or admissions should be made to the third party without the knowledge or prior consent of the Insurer.

Do not acknowledge correspondence received from claimants or their advisors (Solicitors) unless Insurers grant permission.

Your insurer received the claim as an electronic Claims Notification Form.  This provides details of the claim and your insurer must acknowledge it via the Claims Portal within 24 hours.  Your insurer then has only 30 working days in which to investigate the clam with you, consider all evidence and legal liability issues and provide a liability decision to the claimant, via the Claims Portal.  It is therefore important for you to notify your insurer as soon as you are aware of a claim or potential claim; this gives your insurer the opportunity to comply with portal timescales and benefit from the maximum period in which to investigate and consider the case.

All insurers have varying claim notification procedures and in order for Lothbury UK Ltd to advise correctly then please contact us on;

Lothbury UK Ltd
Queen’s House,
Queen’s Road,

Tel: 01244 322 456
Fax: 0207 488 1705