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PUWER stands for The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations which came into force on 5 December 1998.

The main objective of PUWER, is to ensure the provision of safe work equipment throughout the lifetime of its use, regardless of its condition, age or origin. The Regulations apply to Employers, those self-employed and people who have control of work equipment such as Hire Companies.

The regulations require that machinery provided for ‘use at work’ is:

  • Suitable for the purpose for which it is used
  • Safe for use by employees
  • Inspected regularly
  • Installed correctly
  • Used only by those with adequate training, instruction and information
  • Accompanied by suitable health and safety measures, such as protective controls and The full Regulations are available here. Sections 4 – 10 cover the management elements and Sections 11 – 24 cover the physical elements. Sections 25-30 are specific to mobile work equipment and Sections 31-35 to power presses. The final sections cover miscellaneous areas including the exemption for the Armed Forces.

There have been cases in the press in recent years where companies have faced large fines from the Health and Safety Executive for breaching these regulations, particularly where the breach was preventable.

Therefore, it is imperative that management are aware of the requirements of PUWER and their obligations in respect of these requirements.  It is also important that maintenance/engineering departments, and perhaps all employees in some companies, should have an understanding of regulations under PUWER relevant to their role.  For example, Section 11 – Dangerous parts of machinery and Section 13 – high or very low temperatures.

Lothbury UK are committed to supporting our clients in respect to their obligations under the PUWER regulations. We are happy to assist with risk assessments and ensuring that all requirements under the legislation are satisfied. This includes arrangement of appropriate Engineering Inspection policies via our specialist markets.

If you require our assistance or would like more information of the services that we provide, then please give us a call on 01244 322456 or send an e-mail to